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Individual Forex Solutions

An SDA is the limit set by the South African Reserve Bank on overseas payments and investments. It allows South African residents to make up to R1 million worth of overseas payments and investments per calendar year. Your SDA allowance is available to use for offshore transfers/payments as you please as long as supporting documents are provided.

If you wish to transfer or invest money over and above your SDA, you will need to use your FIA. This allows you to transfer up to R10 million extra abroad during a calendar year. To make use of this allowance, you must comply with the following requirements:

• Obtain a “Tax Clearance Certificate – Foreign Investment Allowance” (TCC) issued by SARS.

• Be in good tax standing and be 18 years and older.

• Acquire a tax compliance status (TCS) letter that contains your tax number and PIN#FD0E35

As part of our offering for individual’s using their Foreign Investment Allowance to send money offshore, we process the tax clearance application on your behalf though one of our partners. The service is free of charge and the process is done online.

Financial Emigration can be very demanding and time consuming. We understand this and our team will assist you through every step of the process from lodging your emigration with the relevant authorities to the withdrawal of your retirement products.

Emigrants qualify for the following facilities:

  • Foreign Capital Allowance – R10 million per adult per calendar year or R20 million per family unit per calendar year,

  • A travel allowance of up to R1 million per adult and R200 000 per child under the age of 18 years. The travel allowance may not be accorded more than 60 days prior to departure; and

  • Export of household and personal effects, motor vehicles, caravans, trailers, motorcycles, stamps, coins, and minted gold bars (excluding coins that are legal tender in South Africa) within an overall insured value of R2 million


Forex for Importers and Exporters...

…or any company with exposure to foreign currency.

Forex can consume your mind and your time trying to find the best time to pay that invoice or convert your export proceeds. 

With our team of experts constantly watching the market, we can identify large movements in the currency price and ensure you take advantage of good buying and selling opportunities.  

With simple hedging tools, we can help you manage your exposure to foreign currency risk and create a level of certainty in a volatile market, while ensuring your payments are processed with ease.

Give us a call today to find out how we can become your International Payment Partner